Follow up on important Information email


I've received several e-mails answering the general e-mail sent on Saturday November 22nd

These are my answers to those e-mails.
1. All Mundusfor active students are allowed to participate in the blog. These are instructions in order to subscribe to the blog:
Step 1. Open gmail account if you don't have one
Step 2. Write an e-mail account introducing yourself and asking to subscribe to the blog giving your gmail account.

2. About the scholarship payment issue. I really hope that all the payments will be finally made next Wednesday november 26 as Yasmine said in her e-mail. I've written to Manuel Fernandez and he has apologised. I also commented the situation with other master representative and theytold me this is situation has been common in their courses and one of them explained that the European Union payments arrive late and to solve this problem, the university where he studied made a loan from its own sources to cover the payments of the students while the European Union made the deposits. However, we can see how it is not the case in Granada because the payments were not made on time. I think this is a problem that can not be repeated or if it is going to continue like that students should be notified that they need to bring enough money to survive in Europe for october and november and not telling them to arrive by september unless students themselves consider appropiate to come so long in advance.

Until today Monday dec. 24 Marina Mussini and Giovanni Tapia both doing their first semester in Porto haven't received any payment of the scholarship. Is there anyone else having the same problem?

3. These are the students interested in having the first year certificate (updated on Monday 24 by 14:30 pm)

Deadline to request your certificate via the blog: Tuesday 25 by midnight.

Name - Language of certificate

Raihan Syed -English

Jessica Pei Wen Chong -English
Valdenir Pereira Corales
Andrea Ximena Castaño Sánchez - English and Spanish
Adriana Lenira Fornari de Souza - Portuguese and Spanish
Imane Bakkali - French
Jacinta Opara - English, French and Spanish
Luz Yesenia Moscoso - English and Spanish
Susana Archondo - French and Spanish
Muleka Mwewa - English and Portuguese
Daniela Fernandes -Portuguese and French
Sandra Rosero - French and Spanish

4. As to improve communication among students: since first year students (edition 2008-2010) are not going to meet in the integration seminar in February 2009 that second year students (edition 2007-2009) had in february 2008, I suggest we request a general video conference to have some feedback on the developement of this second year and for old students to share their experiences with first year students. I think we can work on this idea and make it happen if most of us agree. What date would it suit you all? End of January? Please leave your proposals.

5. Evaluation and Pedagogical committe have each on a representative of students. They are Ana Inés Renta and Muleka Mwewa in the same order.

6. Evaluation committee report will be published later in another entry. The pedagogical committe report is still pending.

2 comentarios:

Christian M. Mwewa dijo...


Lembremos sempre que o máster tem 4 línguas oficias e portanto todos temos que falar ao menos 2. Os que mentiram e só falam uma não podem estar reclamando por não poder participar no blog que é um espaço coletivo, como bem afirmou Luciana (Porto). Portanto, vamos responder o pedido da nossa representante ELEITA, Sandra Rosero (Sandrinha).
Afinal, quem quer o CERTIFICADO??
Aos futuros representantes,a experiência diz que primeiro saiba onde estão antes de sair peleando.

Representante Discente no Comitê Pedagógico
Mes Amis,
Rappelez-vous que ils sont 4 langues officielles dans les Mundusfor et, par conséquent, nous devons nous tous parlent au moins 2 langues. Ceux qui n'on pas dit la verité tant pu pour eux et ils ne peut pas ces plaindre de ne pas participer au blog qui est un espace collectif, ainsi dit Luciana (Porto). Donc, nous allons répondre à la question de notre représentante élu, Sandra Rosero (Sandrinha).
Après tout, qui veut il le certificat?
Pour les prochains représentants, l'expérience indique que il faut d'abord savoir où nous somme avant de ce pelear!!!

クリスチャン Muleka Mwewa
Étudiant Représentant de le Comité Pédagogique
人々 、
覚えているときは、マスターと4公用語しているため、我々は少なくとも2話をする必要があります。人のみを目的とうそを言うためには、ブログは、集団的空間は、さらに (ポルトと参加できません)文句をすることはできません。だから、我々の選出議員は、サンドラRosero 需要を満たすことができます。

Christian Muleka Mwewa
Dear People,
Remember when the master has 4 official languages and therefore we must all speak at least 2. Those who only speak a lie and can not be complaining because it can not participate in the blog that is a collective space, as well said Luciana (Porto). So let's meet the demand of our elected representatives, Sandra Rosero (Sandrinha).
After all, who wants the CERTIFICATE?
The future representatives, experience tells that the first know where they are before leaving peleando.

Christian クリスチャン
Representative Committee on Pedagogical

Sue dijo...

Jorge Pinto también solicito certificados. Te llegó su confirmación el año pasado?

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